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Building in Unreal

The scene is put together now in Unreal with the floor and ceiling pieces placed and the piping placed around the walls with I can easily add onto due to their modular properties. I've also created some metal poles and sculpted them a bit in Zbrush before texturing in Substance Painter, a similar colour to the pipes but slightly darker. Which can also be resized and used throughout the space but for now I have used them for railing and to line the edges of the floors and walls. I am still deciding on the textures which I should use for the walls and flooring so for now I'm just using a default concrete texture.

As the space develops I keep thinking of redesigns and different ideas for the environment but I think this has been leading off track and I haven't been getting as much done on actual props as I would like so for the next few weeks I am just going to focus purely on getting props for the environment fully finished and placed into the engine. For now the idea is to still keep the moving city British as that can link in well to all of the red paint but I may still end up changing the nationality yet.

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